The Best Spring Nail Colors for 2023

Posted by Staci Morris on

Who’s ready for spring? We are! It’s finally time to take off your boots, slip on sandals, and show off those toes. Liberation Nails is here to help you find the most fabulous spring nail colors for 2023.

What do you love most about spring?

No matter your answer, Liberation Nails has a non-toxic spring nail color for you.

1. Warm sunshine (Try: Sunroom)

If you’re tired of the winter cold (and how it feels like 10 pm before dinner), we know you’re craving a bright, warm, uplifting color. Sunroom by Liberation Nails will give you sunshine even during April showers.

Instead of that horrible chemical smell you get with most nail polish, Sunroom is infused with lemon, coconut milk, and vanilla. As with every Liberation Nails product, you can rest assured this lemon-yellow nail polish is vegan and non-toxic.

2. Bright flowers (Try: Joyful Heart)

Tulips, pansies, and peonies — oh my! Your favorite thing about spring is the blooms that pop up to let you know winter is almost over. Take a few bright petals wherever you go when you wear Joyful Heart by Liberation Nails.

This muted-pink nail polish is cruelty-free and made without harmful chemicals like parabens, phthalates, carcinogens, and mutagens.

3. Blue skies (Try: Infinite Ceiling)

Do you love picnicking and cloud gazing? Until now, it’s been too cold, wet, or snowy to lie on a blanket and appreciate the art of an endless blue sky. Luckily, spring means you can once again look up without freezing your face. We’re here for it — and so is Infinite Ceiling by Liberation Nails.

This minty shade of blue is a classic spring nail color, reminiscent of a robin’s egg or clear skies. For nail polish with a fresh scent, no toxins, and spring vibes, choose Infinite Ceiling.

4. Green leaves (Try: Earth Sign)

If you love the smell of fresh-cut grass and the sound of leaves rustling in the breeze, consider making Earth Sign your spring shade. Every time you look down at your nails, you’ll remember that warm weather and budding trees are just outside your door.

We’ve mentioned our nail polish’s non-toxic and vegan properties, but let’s take a moment to discuss what we do put in this rich, green nail polish. Kukui oil boosts nail growth, baobab oil strengthens nails, evening primrose oil gives the polish its shine, and violet extract oil keeps your nails hydrated.

5. Calm water (Try: Surrender)

Is the sky blue because it reflects the water, or is the water blue because it reflects the sky? Either way, we know the periwinkle color that reflects on a pond at sunset is gorgeous — both in nature and in our nail polish. If a warm evening by the lake sounds like your idea of the perfect spring adventure, you might just love Surrender by Liberation Nails.

You never have to worry about your beauty regimen hurting your body or our planet when you choose Liberation Nails. We use a multitude of natural ingredients and avoid those that don’t coincide with our mission statement: to use color as a catalyst for personal transformation, individual expression, and joyful liberation from the status quo.

Why Liberation Nails?

We know that beauty can be sustainable, cruelty-free, non-toxic, and long-lasting — but we don’t see enough of that. Instead, we see nail polish with harmful ingredients like parabens, toluene, formaldehyde, phthalates, and animal derivatives.

Liberation Nails will be the change we wish to see in the world.

Our nail polish is 21-free, meaning there are twenty-one chemicals and additives we refuse to put in our nail products. Our Time For a Change Nail Polish Remover comes in a reusable container, and the refill comes in a recyclable glass bottle.

Did you know? We won a 2022 Beauty Innovation Award for our In Good Hands Cuticle Recovery Oil.

We invite you to innovate with us.

Isn’t it time for a change?

Bonus: Don’t forget about the kids!

Did you know that Liberation Nails has a line of 21-free nail polish just for kids? Our favorite spring nail colors for kids are Kittens (pastel pink), High Spirits (sunshine yellow), and New Friend (bold teal).

Buy and save with our Big-Little Bundle. Choose one spring nail color from Liberation Nails and one from Libbi Kids to start your spring break off with some big-little bonding.

Do you want beautiful, long-lasting spring nail colors in 2023? Do you want nail polish that promises to do no harm? If you answered yes to either of these questions, it’s time to shop Liberation Nails!

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